Irish Rail Trains: Abandoned Cu Na Mara coach No. 6205
KoCeOnE: Wall with da lids ! .
Butter Monkey: You are ugly (but it´s ok), #StreetArt @ Bristol, UK
finnyus: Waterford Sallypark
MOPE DUBLIN: @mope_dublin 6:6:2015: Bernard Shaw
OMIN FOES: Squeezed in before Christmas!
finnyus: Oola
xenderrednex: 4 my maaan Deneb
xenderrednex: GREEN PARK 2009
Tilley441: Luton October 2014
buddz909: East London
ROCK'N'RUN..: 20140811_150401
ROCK'N'RUN..: Good times 2006
Supaninjaking: IMG_0225
HeadAkes: Heisenberg
the notorious one: fuckin car in the way
turgidson: Charlemont Street flats demolition 24th-January-2014 #10
turgidson: Charlemont Street flats demolition 24th-January-2014 #13
Donk-E92: Smokin crack with the hoe's in the back!
DavidSoanes: Grangorman Asylum
DavidSoanes: ESB Pigeon House Power Station, Poolbeg