Photo-LB: Street Paris
Photo-LB: DSC_5903
Teruhide Tomori: Grey heron being on a branch
Photo-LB: Déception/Disappointment
Photo-LB: BadBoy
Stephen L D'Agostino: Nicole in The City of London
Photo-LB: Oh my God!! A lioness in the city ...
BLEUnordik: Tapis automnal
張阿興: 嘿~嘿!
K.P. Huang: DSC_1173_00106
meccabolix: Nash Point sunset
hamapenguin: pagoda
Ed Ellington: Denbigh Pier Sunset
Active-U: 京都国立博物館 / Kyoto National Museum
roumimi2: P1040835
Active-U: ソメイヨシノ - 平安神宮にて / Heian-jingu Shrine in Spring
Photo-LB: Love Hotel
anglo10: 隋心院7・Zuishinin Temple
anglo10: 伊根6・Ine
Active-U: 大徳寺 - 三門 / Daitoku-ji Temple
Active-U: 龍源院 - 大徳寺 / Ryugen-in Daitoku-ji Temple