Ron Windt: Reitdiephaven Groningen Holland at the blue hour
Ron Windt: Sunset at the Leekstermeer
Ron Windt: Craftsmanship / vakmanschap
Ron Windt: super Bloedmaan
Ron Windt: At the leek-site in mij hometown Midwolda at Midwolderbos
Ron Windt: Morning rise
Ron Windt: The lake
Ron Windt: My first HDR attempt, what do you think? Please leave a comment .
Ron Windt: Last day in the summer time
Ron Windt: At the end of the bridge
Ron Windt: Just a nice sunset
Ron Windt: Amazing Sunrise
Ron Windt: Sunrise
Ron Windt: Early sunrise at Oldambtmeer
Ron Windt: Amazing cold sunrise at Oldambtmeer
Ron Windt: Sunset at Fiemel
Ron Windt: Stonehenge or ships graveyard ?
Ron Windt: Sunset Oldamstermeer
Ron Windt: Sunset at the harbor
Ron Windt: Sunset under the bridge Final adjustment
Ron Windt: Koolzaad
Ron Windt: Spring
Ron Windt: What do they count when they go to sleep? (1 van 1)
Ron Windt: Sunset at Nieuw Staten Zijl 2 (1 van 1)
Ron Windt: Sunset at Nieuw Staten Zijl (1 van 1)
Ron Windt: My little man has his 12 birthday this week. (1 van 1)
Ron Windt: Th other site at Nieuw Staten Zijl 3 (1 van 1)
Ron Windt: Amazing sunset at Nieuw Staten Zijl 2 (1 van 1)
Ron Windt: Delfzijl towards Emden
Ron Windt: Barcelona Beach