UFD.WESЯ.LGO: just for the photo
JanvanSchijndel: Demonstration against Police 'violence' 29 June 2015 Heemstraat The Hague.
Paintedtrains: #belgiumgraffiti #paintedtrains #traingraffiti #graffititrain #benching #bombing #panel #trainbombing #trainart #railwriters #rsa_theyards #royalsnappingartists #rsa_theyardsgraffiti
Paintedtrains: #belgiumgraffiti #paintedtrains #traingraffiti #graffititrain #benching #bombing #panel #trainbombing #trainart #railwriters #rsa_theyardsgraffiti #rsa_theyards #royalsnappingartists
BETA ROK 75: Todays sprays
The new style: DISM TEL2 INCH
wojofoto: graffiti artist in action
The new style: INCH TNS & DISMO NM
The new style: ELROY TNS
SORE2014: They Never Sleep TNS
The new style: SUPER GRAFFIN'
SHADYONE.: Shady-Bonzai
Drumatics: numb
Metroburner: dism04
INCAGRAFX: Cock blockers
The Graff Snapper: Skeg (close up on the right hand side of the double whammy wall) - The Cove, May 14
DunkHiTop: Toupé Pepsi
Fuckk yee!!: tunnels
P-A-R-I-S: Back to the Future 1
*TonoT: Tonot Okfs CRew !