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Sparrow's and Finch's by Lesley E.
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Lesley E.
Lesley E.
Fox Sparrow
Lesley E.
White-throated sparrow
Lesley E.
cute savannah sparrow
Lesley E.
Dark-Eyed Junco
Lesley E.
Lincoln's Sparrow
Lesley E.
Too cute white-throated sparrow
Lesley E.
White-throated sparrow/Zonotrichia albicollis
Lesley E.
Lincoln sparrow / Melospiza lincolnii
Lesley E.
Juvenile american goldfinch transitioning to adult
Lesley E.
Pretty Purple finch
Lesley E.
Female Purple Finch
Lesley E.
Female purple Finch
Lesley E.
Having a good feed of sunflowerseeds
Lesley E.
Sunshine in the eye
Lesley E.
Huh, what was that you said?
Lesley E.
White-throated sparrow
Lesley E.
How come this one kept it together better than the blue jay?
Lesley E.
Trying to see through the shine
Lesley E.
White-throated sparrow
Lesley E.
Female purple finch
Lesley E.
Dark-eyed junco with out of focused fox sparrow
Lesley E.
Fox sparrow
Lesley E.
Fox sparrow
Lesley E.
Dark-eyed junco
Lesley E.
Dark-eyed junco
Lesley E.
Dark-eyed junco
Lesley E.
Pretty fox sparrow
Lesley E.
Little pine siskin
Lesley E.
Sweet Dark-eyed junco
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