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Lesley E.
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Lesley E.
3 Curious Moose
Lesley E.
Alpha feeds one of his little ones while on my hand
Lesley E.
Blue Jay profile shot
Lesley E.
They grow quick
Lesley E.
Four Falcon (Merlin) nestlings
Lesley E.
Fledgling Merlin (falcon)
Lesley E.
I have a confession...
Lesley E.
Mother and her pup
Lesley E.
White-Throated sparrow
Lesley E.
Gray and Jay's eggs
Lesley E.
The teacher told me that the rectangle doesn't fit in the circle... and you know what? It don't!
Lesley E.
Lesley E.
Somebody never got enough sleep lastnight..
Lesley E.
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!
Lesley E.
I can't believe my eyes..
Lesley E.
Nature's promise for life's return
Lesley E.
Sometimes you have to stand alone..
Lesley E.
Lovebirds Happy Valentines Day
Lesley E.
I'm not turning my back on you!
Lesley E.
Winter Bird Feeding! How many birds do you get to your feeders?
Lesley E.
I spy with my little eye something purple, black and pointy...
Lesley E.
It's their world too...
Lesley E.
Common Redpoll
Lesley E.
Common redpoll eating from speckled alder flowers
Lesley E.
Cold Chickadee
Lesley E.
Can I help you?
Lesley E.
Winter sunset on the snow( view on black if you have time)
Lesley E.
The shores aren't quite the same for this old fishing community
Lesley E.
Excuse me, do you mind?
Lesley E.
All spread out
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