Tatyana_v_727_: “The happiness consists in realizing that it is all a great strange dream.” Jack Kerouac
Tatyana_v_727_: every pain in life has an analgesic . . . antidote . . . strong dose of ecstasy that can bring state of euphoria in the darkest night
Tatyana_v_727_: books are medicine with positive side effects
Tatyana_v_727_: road to love
Tatyana_v_727_: he eyes everything with wonder
Tatyana_v_727_: Land of a Thousand Dances
Tatyana_v_727_: “An action doesn’t have to be wrong just because it is not logical. It doesn’t have to be right just because it has its logic.” — Lion Feuchtwanger
Tatyana_v_727_: did i forgive you ? well . . . i don’t care anymore. if you want to count that as forgiveness you may.
Tatyana_v_727_: My Beat Generation Summer
Tatyana_v_727_: changes . . . (My Beat Generation Summer)
Tatyana_v_727_: “Right off at the start, if you have your chair tipped back against the railing of the porch and look in upwelling awe at the night sky you will become a poet for a night at least.” - Jack Kerouac
Tatyana_v_727_: “Time, damned and cursed Time must persist, and does. New Time advances, destroying old Time. Time advances in its maddening amble, us stopping. All things persist and will not delay for one meagre second. Why ? Why ? Why ??” Jack Kerouac
Tatyana_v_727_: Look who finally made it to Rockefeller Center 💝
Tatyana_v_727_: written on a train (p. 95)
Tatyana_v_727_: My memories of Paris . . . My memories of Brooklyn & French class
Tatyana_v_727_: and once again you will delude yourself into believing you wouldn’t want to return once again into that hour into that day into that year . . . into that September
Tatyana_v_727_: what is it about the moment you fall in love
Tatyana_v_727_: summer morning 💌
Tatyana_v_727_: There’s a poetic / philosophical light in every sunrise that when entering from outside leaves one with faith, hope & love inside
Tatyana_v_727_: “I am not crazy, my reality is just different from yours.” Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Tatyana_v_727_: Working on a dream
Tatyana_v_727_: There'll never be a moment I'll regret / I've loved you since the day we met
Tatyana_v_727_: “What indeed is beautiful, except Death and Love?” Walt Whitman
Tatyana_v_727_: Brooklyn NYC
Tatyana_v_727_: There was a child . . . (#HappyWorldTeachersDay)
Tatyana_v_727_: Hello World ! Positive Vibes Only 💝
Tatyana_v_727_: per tutta la vita
Tatyana_v_727_: “love” travel
Tatyana_v_727_: meditation 💙