ElleIconLee: A small positive step each day makes a big difference in the long run. Make it happen every day! #positive #change 每天改變一點,踏出一小步,久而久之你就會改變很多!人要不停的進步但也不能急功近利。
ElleIconLee: Got this #simple tip from @_collinthompson, make everything simple. And start from making yourself simple! Need to hang out with more simple people too!
ElleIconLee: My hood is getting more and more like NYC. #shop #soho #hongkong
ElleIconLee: Such an artistic way to display finished #sake bottles. #hongkong
ElleIconLee: Don't think, just #go!
ElleIconLee: Can you see the true colors in me even I have my black armor on? #justsaying 在我保護色的外表下,你能看透一切,發現我真實的顏色嗎?
ElleIconLee: It's windy out there, be careful. #HongKong (Photo by @shengwong_) More on: elleiconlee.com 外面風大,小心些。
ElleIconLee: Everyday is a blessing, so live life with a big smile on your face and spread the love. #happy 珍惜每一天,微笑每一天,感染身邊的每一個人。
ElleIconLee: I like #cider. #rekorderlig #pear #Sweden
ElleIconLee: Fancy some mini burgers? #cute #foodporn
ElleIconLee: Hello, Spider! Are you feeling cozy? Awwwww, look at these adorable eyes! #cat
ElleIconLee: Receiving emails like this is why I keep blogging!!!!!! Thank you Claudia for making my day extra special. 每次讀者來信我都超級開心,真心感謝你們一直的支持!
ElleIconLee: Hahahahaha, I don't think I was that surprised so I started speaking after a year. What about you? #fun
ElleIconLee: Where's the sun? Is typhoon coming again?!!! But I want to go hiking...香港好像又要打風了。。。但我想爬山呢。。。
ElleIconLee: This is cute overload!!! One of my dogs - London, at Shanghai home is reading Milk China magazine because I am on it. #haha My parents took a photo and sent it to me saying London is supporting you. Awwwwwww❤️ 我在上海的狗狗正在看雜誌呢,因為她發現了我。太可愛了!!!
ElleIconLee: I am calling it a day now, good night world. #gn #sleep #timeforbed 累了,睡了,晚安。
ElleIconLee: This is the real thing!!! Real apple #shisha!!! Awesome!!!
ElleIconLee: One of my favourite food: OYSTERssssss!!! Look at its size!!! #yum #foodporn
ElleIconLee: Love these...#beautiful
ElleIconLee: Unbalanced...where's the red? #tone #colour
ElleIconLee: I think of @shengwong_ when I see this, queen of #shisha?! Doing capuchin flavour tonight. #lol
ElleIconLee: City and me? Look and the City? Check out my latest blog post to see more: elleiconlee.com #fashion #style #hongkong
ElleIconLee: I am the master of taking blurry photos. #lol with @melindawang_ @boogie_solong @onki_lau at Burberry Pacific Place party enjoying some live music from Alice Wolf. #night
ElleIconLee: #London #band #AliceWolf #live at #Burberry Hong Kong. #music
ElleIconLee: #Repost from @cindiddy, great event/ exhibition at @narsissist x #GuyBourdin today! Thanks for the invitation @whoareinvited. #makeup #beauty
ElleIconLee: Life is what you make of it! 你的生活你做主! #justsaying
ElleIconLee: Maybe I should put on some makeup before going to the gym next time? 大家說下次去健身是不是該化下妝呢?
ElleIconLee: Blog update: I live in a city that pushes me forward - Hong Kong! Love this mesh clutch from @oroton. Read more on the blog - elleiconlee.com #style #fashion 博客更新啦,快去看看吧。
ElleIconLee: Thanks for spraying my hair white, @jordan_joe now I can go out and say I did do something special for #halloween. 我朋友幫我噴白色頭髮,終於有點萬聖節氣氛了。
ElleIconLee: Live or die? How about love?! Happy #Halloween! (Trying to look cool here, haha!) @jordan_joe is so good at pretending to be a boyfriend.