RuriMoon: Kitsune Magic
The Living Rock: uncles 215
The Living Rock: cacti 017
The Living Rock: uncles 274
The Living Rock: L. karasmontana v. lateritia one generation of selective breeding!
The Living Rock: C. tenebrosa "top of Mt Perales"
The Living Rock: strange v-type
The Living Rock: left house
The Living Rock: cacti 191
The Living Rock: cactus 020
The Living Rock: odd fukuryu
The Living Rock: C. cinerea
The Living Rock: Waxy C. cinerea
The Living Rock: covered 010
The Living Rock: Epithelantha unguispina
The Living Rock: T. gracilis
dolls of milena: white flowers
dolls of milena: white flowers
+Rei+: Neapolitan Ice-cream
olesyagavr: Head for adoption
olesyagavr: Face-up comission
olesyagavr: Face-up comission
Amadiz Beauty: Jerry Brandon
KarinaKo: Soom Amber
.Amen.: JV3A4199
.Amen.: soom heliot
Yesha_ye: mr. Wolf