Jon Burns: 🌈 back alley art.
Jon Burns: Willie Nelson going strong at 84(!) at the Fillmore last night. Great show.
Jon Burns: Happy Easter cousins.
Jon Burns: I hope you find plastic eggs in your tulips today. White belts are optional. #throwbackeaster.
Jon Burns: The author at work.
Jon Burns: Dolled up
Jon Burns: Kid A first headshot. #peterpanjunior
Jon Burns: Good morning.
Jon Burns: I don't know any of these songs but I still feel nostalgic. #somebodytoldmethisoneisamotherlovebonesong
Jon Burns: upload
Jon Burns: Birthday Oatmeal for Kid A.
Jon Burns: After 16 years @kirstenburns said goodbye to old friend today and hello to a new one! #rav4hybrid
Jon Burns: upload
Jon Burns: Nice day. #lategram
Jon Burns: How to put into words, it has been 20 years to the day that have slipped by in no time at all. There aren't enough words, there are no right words. They are all happy years, and I am the lucky one. Happy Anniversary Kirsten!
Jon Burns: Rock the vote.
Jon Burns: Just a little happy birthday S'mores pie for @kirstenburns
Jon Burns: A mom and her punks.
Jon Burns: #nofilter
Jon Burns: Sparkler
Jon Burns: Awaiting Flight of the Conchords while a man channels the spirit of Ayn Rand.
Jon Burns: When @kirstenburns paints a room it becomes an art project.
Jon Burns: C and her dad under a rainbow with cerulean butterflies by Kid C.
Jon Burns: A and her dad on the beach, by kid A.
Jon Burns: First day, last day.
Jon Burns: Fun day at the ballpark thanks to @23andme!
Jon Burns: She gets me.
Jon Burns: Lush!
Jon Burns: Nofilter dirty windshield
Jon Burns: View is is still good.