squarepants2004j/auntyhuia: Rest in Peace, my little one.
squarepants2004j/auntyhuia: sometimes, I crack myself up!
squarepants2004j/auntyhuia: beads as a watercolour
squarepants2004j/auntyhuia: black and white repost of Operahouse, Harbour bridge and Sydney
squarepants2004j/auntyhuia: yellow flowers
squarepants2004j/auntyhuia: cheesecake for breakfast...
squarepants2004j/auntyhuia: one messed up frangipani!
squarepants2004j/auntyhuia: sunrise...15/2/07
squarepants2004j/auntyhuia: sunrise, after the rain...
squarepants2004j/auntyhuia: It rained today
squarepants2004j/auntyhuia: The Frangipani Tree.
squarepants2004j/auntyhuia: frangipani on water...
squarepants2004j/auntyhuia: Syndny Monorail, taken by my bro...
squarepants2004j/auntyhuia: well connected
squarepants2004j/auntyhuia: sucked in badly!
squarepants2004j/auntyhuia: sunrise, around the world!
squarepants2004j/auntyhuia: The front view...
squarepants2004j/auntyhuia: coloured pencils
squarepants2004j/auntyhuia: Red sky in morn....
squarepants2004j/auntyhuia: cropped, black and white Thomas