BobC45: Leaf in Snow
BobC45: Berries
BobC45: Winter Marsh
BobC45: Tree
BobC45: Milkweed Seeds
BobC45: Maple Tree
BobC45: Field
BobC45: Maple Leaf
BobC45: Fern-
BobC45: Lake and Reeds
BobC45: Malpe
BobC45: Oysprey- Not Happy
BobC45: Sharp-shinned Hawk
BobC45: Prothonotary Warbler
BobC45: Morning Dove
BobC45: Window-
BobC45: Leaf and Moss
BobC45: Fall Colors
BobC45: Little Blue Heron
BobC45: Great Egret
BobC45: Black-crowned Night-Heron
BobC45: Black-crowned Night-Heron
BobC45: Great Blue with Chicks
BobC45: Hooded Merganser
BobC45: Great Blue
BobC45: Starling
BobC45: Northern Harrier
BobC45: Great Blue Heron
BobC45: Grass
BobC45: Fern