Adele M. Reed: Scan009 / 27-02-13
belle.fleur: (autumn) rainy day in Lake C.
Drew Amyot: Old Highway.
belle.fleur: autumn's last raphsody.
jk.1971: KSCN0015
Drew Amyot: Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.
the weavster: Medusa Hair
belle.fleur: objects and shadow(s).
belle.fleur: morning light and october shadows.
olivia bee: The Brink Of Devotion
jwcjr: Justus C. Martin, Jr. Tunnel
jwcjr: Reflections Over a Tunnel
B McIntyre: mexico
Roberto Olivadoti: Fashion victim
Drew Amyot: Reservoir.
kahape*: Düsseldorf Herzogstraße
B McIntyre: mexico
Kévin Proust: Lac Saint Jean
colormekatie: Creepy