sewdeerlyloved: scrappy trip along
Ellie@CraftSewCreate: Sixteen years and the world hasn't ended yet! Happy Anniversary love! #endoftheworld #firstdayofwinter #shortestdayoftheyear #christmasaroundthecorner #whatwerewerthinking
laura watt: Boots and bars in a mei tai. #babywearing
cat and vee: Amy's Mum's hotpad
MoonlitStitches: More Gift Bags
*teacupfaery*: Cherry Christmas
*teacupfaery*: Cherry Christmas
creativesun: "Bagettes" for A Stocking Stuffer-
laura watt: Playing with the new Flickr app while trapped under a sleeping baby.
two hip hippos: girl on a swing
sewfunbymonique: red and aqua
Fresh Lemons : Faith: Cherry Christmas Patchwork
GoldWillow: 6 down! Two pillows to go, prepped and ready to be sewn together tomorrow.... #damnitfeelsgoodtobeproductive
mlwatson2010: Pip Stockings!
verykerryberry: 'Noel' Drawstring Bag
wooden spoon: Merry Cherry Christmas!
Carlaf2: P1050977
Lorena in Sydney: LA # 32 :: 13 pieces :: gathering acorns
canadianabroad-susan: Modern Christmas Tablerunner finished
goddessinprogress: Rainy day pillow - embroidery
Sunset Sewing: A walk in the nine-patch
Carlaf2: P1060198
elnorac: Instagram Feedsack & Linen Pouch
Lindsay Sews {@CraftBuds}: PTS9 Received! Thank You Holly!!
hehehe922: PTS 9
Ellie@CraftSewCreate: Pillow Talk {Swap} 9 Recieved!!
hanies: fabulous pillow from Kerry
Sew-Fantastic: This gorgeous thing was in my mailbox. Can you believe it!! Thank you @scrapstudio I've been admiring this one. #pts9
FlossieBlossoms: Camper Pincushion Finished, FLiPS, inside the door