hibye@aol.com: 100_0041
hibye@aol.com: 100_0048
hibye@aol.com: surgery4
hibye@aol.com: surgery2
hibye@aol.com: Photo0014
hibye@aol.com: Photo0003
hibye@aol.com: Sassy with tongue showing
hibye@aol.com: Sassy's Better 2-1-04
hibye@aol.com: Sassy Licking her chops
hibye@aol.com: Sassy peeking out from covers
hibye@aol.com: Sassy doing peekaboo
hibye@aol.com: Sassy at her cutest
hibye@aol.com: Sassy not feeling good 2-5-05
hibye@aol.com: Sassy looking out window 11-19-05
hibye@aol.com: cutie sassy 11-16-05
hibye@aol.com: Last Picture of My Sassy
hibye@aol.com: Sassy's 15th birthday
hibye@aol.com: sassy with pink bow 11-16-05
hibye@aol.com: Sassygirl12-05
hibye@aol.com: Peekaboo Sassy
hibye@aol.com: Sassy and I on Xmas Eve
hibye@aol.com: Sassy in her bed sleeping 7-12-05
hibye@aol.com: Sassy looking out car window 11-19-05
hibye@aol.com: My little Quiet Haven
hibye@aol.com: Sassy's final resting place
hibye@aol.com: Our New Saturn ION
hibye@aol.com: Pretty Lily
hibye@aol.com: New Lily
hibye@aol.com: One of the newer Lily's
hibye@aol.com: snow 1-21-06