JennFL2: 😆
JennFL2: Who Are We?
Monsieur Winslow: Lilith Blair - Natural High
Poupée Chinoise: Beach Babe Poppy Parker
Zezaprince: Poppy Parker :: Party In The Hamptons
Bogostick: My 2018-2019 Poppy Parker dolls
Barbie.Dream: Such a Gem Dania Zarr by @shantommo
Barbie.Dream: Such a Gem Dania Zarr by @shantommo
Odd Doll: Fashion Darling
Bhon Yuprasert (Benz): Mademoiselle Eden& Villains Lilith(Ooak)
Bogostick: Studying her next prey...
Bogostick: Pretty (Bird) Pin-up
Isabelle from Paris: Agnès trunk
Nata-leto: Sister Moguls, Giselle Diefendorf
Monsieur Winslow: Poppy Parker - Keen / wearing Beauty Blossoms Fashion
zmrzlinkakatka: My Lukasss :-)
JennFL2: Misty Hollows v Midnight Decadence Poppy
meg fashion doll: Special order wig and outfit for Natalia Loseva Dolls
Bogostick: It would seem I have a type...
LDolls: Optic Illusion
Sulamif: Giselle optic illusion
PruchanunR.: Fashion Royalty Giselle "Optic Illusion"
Bogostick: Optic Illusion Giselle
Odd Doll: Optic Illusion Giselle