pmunn53: The set up
BIPmaster (843.270.4762): Stars n' Stripes!
☞♦PA☭ONLY♦☜: Camo aggressors
Caravan Wrassler: Can't wait to weigh in....
Stated Lamp: LeBron 7 "Power Couple"
BIPmaster (843.270.4762): USA custom OE machomai's
liljhall09 - BACK AT IT: Nike Inflict - Size 9.5 - Sold
StrazoWrestling: It's all ready to go for OG teals in 9+/10 condition between 8.5-9.5. Obviously don't want to spend much, probably not more than 75 bucks.
PAwrestler321 (8145710179): The family 8-6-13
♦NewYorker™(914-246-9112)♦: Gave me his Cael's !! And signed em
♦NewYorker™(914-246-9112)♦: Gave me his Cael's !! And signed em
♦Factory♦Trained♦: My 5 Point Throw at Fargo
OriginalOT145: Blue Kolats
Wrestlingfreak22: Finally got these back after like 5 months and not in the condition I thought they were in, left shoes sole bumps have faded, but right is still like new, for sale possible trade soZe 8 with insoles offer
svwrestling144: Nike Inflict "BLACKOUT Customs"
THOR1219 (908-763-3376): GONE GONE GONE
Gearing Up Grapplers: Old school bottoms