fotograms with Pharaoh: Snapshots through the window since it’s to cold to sit outside πŸ˜†
fotograms with Pharaoh: Pastel sketch
fotograms with Pharaoh: Just experimenting with color, value, and texture using soft pastels
astolfi.m: Ifrane, Marocco
Isaszas: Bicoloured irises
Zadig 06 ...."tout dans le regard": Mr chat...pose...🐈
jamica1: Flypast
Horus3: In meinem Garten
wallygrom: Chilli
Pixel Packing Mama ~ 39 Million Views: Christmas Sleigh Party Time
Isaszas: Adiantum jordanii
Valerie Peters: February flowers...
Finn Frode (DK): The garden helper
Olga and Peter: Krokussen
Olga and Peter: Dagpauwoog
Olga and Peter: Bont zandoogje
ruthug08(on and off): Evening Mood - Abendstimmung
ruthug08(on and off): Apple Blossoms - Apfelblüten
ruthug08(on and off): Ladybird/Ladybug - Marienkäfer
ruthug08(on and off): Evening Sky - Abendhimmel
edgarandron - Busy!: Today is Millie's Birthday
Pat's_photos: The supervisor
Pat's_photos: Curled paw
jamica1: Canadian Pacific Track Evaluation
jamica1: Canadian Pacific Track Evaluation