Carlisle Bricker: No Egrets
Mitsuru Nikaido: LEGO Sea Otter mech_01A
Chewk: 6834 Celestial Sled Redux
madLEGOman: Never Ending Childhood Trauma
FS Leinad: Manatee
Mad physicist: Models of 2024
Bricker.31: lego campfire 01
Bricker.31: lego campfire 02
Karf Oohlu Lite: Hunger, Insatiable Hunger...
kukuririnn527: Walking Robot:The Very Hungry Caterpillar-Type
neral10: TMNT!
Rogue Bantha: Head Guard
Jheewee: Snoopy & Woodstock on the doghouse
Shannon Ocean: Z-bots 2: Xhorst the Amputator
mmbmaxx: BIG SHAPE 02
Shannon Ocean: Z-bots 2: Grampz
Titolian: M-Tron Exo
dan.ko56: Zadig & Voltaire
roΙΙi: Brickscalibur 2024 Trophy: The Guardian
pasukaru76: Blacktron Instigator
The Igzer: Cobra
DigiNik13: Caught you!!
Baron Julius von Brunk: 40th Birthday
_TLG_: '57 Chevy (update 2024) - INSTRUCTIONS 1
TeddytheSpoon: Manta Ray Warrior
Greg Dalink: Defenders of Endor
th_squirrel: Lantern Supporting Cast
umamen: MACROSS VF-1 [4/4]
from19: Specter 👻
from19: Werewolf 🐺