Douglas Filadelfo ©: In pursuit of happiness - 2.000 Views
Douglas Filadelfo ©: I beg your forgiveness To Kaiã Lisboa
Douglas Filadelfo ©: Anguish To Rafael
Douglas Filadelfo ©: In search of good To Mauricio Igor
Douglas Filadelfo ©: By the end of our love Feat Mlima
Douglas Filadelfo ©: All gone he is left alone
Douglas Filadelfo ©: Do not give up To West Cavallieri
Douglas Filadelfo ©: Endless Of Story Feat ALan C.
Douglas Filadelfo ©: Stop Crying Your Heart Out Feat. Kaiã Lisboa
Douglas Filadelfo ©: Simone Simons Collab. West Cavallieri
Douglas Filadelfo ©: In Search Of Glory - 1.000 Visualizações
Douglas Filadelfo ©: Alone Again - Douglas Filadelfo Feat Mara R.
Douglas Filadelfo ©: Longing To : Mlima ( Editions Mlima )
Douglas Filadelfo ©: Lonely Hope You
Douglas Filadelfo ©: I Hope You - To : Wesley Souza
Douglas Filadelfo ©: I Am Angel Night
Douglas Filadelfo ©: He About To Lose Me - Femme Fatale [Britney Spears]
Douglas Filadelfo ©: I Wanna Go - Femme Fatale [Britney Spears]
Douglas Filadelfo ©: Big Fat Bass - Femme Fatale [Britney Spears] To: Antônio Valença
Douglas Filadelfo ©: Just a Dream... [Taylor Swift]
Douglas Filadelfo ©: Happy Birthday Wesley Souza [World Fantasy]
Douglas Filadelfo ©: Woman in Red
Douglas Filadelfo ©: Happy Birthday Lucas [Avril Lavigne]
Douglas Filadelfo ©: Lost in Dark Feat. Mlima
Douglas Filadelfo ©: GoodBye Passion - [To: Helena Mendes]
Douglas Filadelfo ©: The Lady in Black - Douglas Feat. West Cavallieri