wombalano: Green recovery. Lomandra filiformis Wattle Mat rush : it's not grass. 100mm rain last week worked
wombalano: (1) Beginning the steep gradient down to the rock filled Back Creek Gorge: will there be any Tree Ferns in the creek?
wombalano: (2) Reaching the water amongst the rocks half way down Back Creek: Looks like there might be three or so Tree Ferns surviving amongst this mess of shaded boulders
wombalano: A few metres further down stream there are fire-survived well-established Tree Ferns in rocks and groups of very small ferns in creek soil
wombalano: (3) half way down Back Creek some Tree Ferns are obvious
wombalano: (4) another 10m down stream the pattern more or less repeats
wombalano: (5) Yet further down stream: these well established Tree Ferns and younger resprouting plants are a few metres above and south of the creek bed
wombalano: (6) Here, further down stream, Back Creek is widening but there are still small young Tree Ferns establishing alongside rocks and up the southern shaded slope
wombalano: (8 )Back Creek large boulder section is decreasing as we wander down the creek. A few established Tree Ferns are up the southern slope on the left here
wombalano: (7) Clusters of fronds bursting from a family of 3cm high burnt stumps beside Back Creek
wombalano: (9) Back Creek has few obvious Tree Ferns as the water empties towards a more level wet soak
wombalano: (10) Back Creek soak now has about 600m to go to the Bombala River after washing over the end of Narrowness Road
wombalano: After torrential rain: refreshing though too deep to wade: where is Narrowness road now?