wombalano: more reds: this time with white margins
wombalano: Meanwhile small Tree ferns dormant for years are suddenly growing nicely
wombalano: Gorgeous velvet green gum leaves framed by tiny dew drops
wombalano: Leucopogon lanceolata maybe sprouting in little clumps from scorched soil: normally they are quite large bushes
wombalano: dew-splattered trifoliates opening through dead gum leaves
wombalano: hairy rosette squeezing out beween granite stones
wombalano: Charcoal scorched soil and green alge take over
wombalano: Fungi clamouring for space in the carbon coals
wombalano: scorched soil supporting maybe an Indigophera
wombalano: Three months after fires soils still pretty denuded in parts but a few plants are poking through: rain needed
wombalano: morning sun backlighting new and dying leaves almost 3 months after fires
wombalano: new and dying leaves on trees almost three months after fires
wombalano: morning light and tangled colours in burnt trees
wombalano: Rough burr-daisy (maybe) Calotis scabiosifolia var integrifolia
wombalano: lots of colour from competing species and ants settle in on one minimally burnt field
wombalano: moncot shooting from a burnt background. don't know what yet: guess Dianella tasmanica not Lomandra
wombalano: one lonely trigger plant but it has caught a fly: just bits are showing
wombalano: could these straggly reddish striped spokes radiating out from central hubs be developing pygmy sundews? Will see.
wombalano: competition at Lilliput level around the bole of a slightly burnt Black Sallee tree
wombalano: Tiny (5mm) basidiomycete fungi on burnt Black Sallee tree here today gone tomorrow: some have a green powder growth though not lichens
wombalano: Only one Black Sallee here decides to flower a couple of months early
wombalano: inside-out dead wombat: back bone still attached to skin
wombalano: Brachycome flowers with tiny fly sheltering from the rain
wombalano: underwater fern leaves (maybe) compete with rain drop ripples for attention
wombalano: Gum trees do bleed but quickly glue up the wound
wombalano: Hanging garden recovery
wombalano: dead tree but nice colours
wombalano: usual fence problem
wombalano: leaves that could be slices of liver: recovery
wombalano: an unburnt mana gum white trunk joins the sprout frenzy cracks the bark: recovery