wombalano: View of Sleeping lady precipitous mountains from Jane n Andys house deck at Mountain River locale, Huon Valley, Tasmania Trip starts here.
wombalano: Every toilet should have a map of where to go like Hamilton Tasmania
wombalano: Hamilton St Peters lovely old church 1834
wombalano: And check out the old Hamilton school
wombalano: Tarraleah hydroelectric scheme: a bit scary: water hits turbines at 270kph with 7000 litres water/sec in each pipe and each of 6 generators produces 15,000Kw at 11,000 V
wombalano: Buttongrass clumps Lake St Clair, Tasmania along Aboriginal Cultural walk
wombalano: Lake St Clair Platypus Reach. Sit down & contemplate the sand ripples, the reflections and hope a platypus shows
wombalano: Brightly coloured ancient Sphagnum moss, Lake St Clair Tasmania, Aboriginal cultural boardwalk trail
wombalano: Lake St Clair Tasmania day walks: growth on growth backed by celery top pines
wombalano: Wet grassland and sedgeland on A10 Lyell Highway leaving Lake St Clair to Queenstown
wombalano: Mountains after Lake St Clair 2
wombalano: looking back after Lake St Clair as a little bit of sunshine highlights the rock strata, Tasmania
wombalano: Approaching Queenstown on a dull day-lots more vegetation than 3 decades ago
wombalano: Queenstown: 10 Blast Furnaces working 120 years ago: photo is one of masses at Queenstown's excellent museum. Check it out.
wombalano: Dropping down to Queenstown: waterfalls and vegetation
wombalano: Last light on Queenstown main street
wombalano: Queenstown back drop of spectacular Mountains in mist
wombalano: Queenstown's The Paragon Theatre still operating Now showing Casablanca
wombalano: Queenstown's Tight rope walker sadly only features in the museum as a poster
wombalano: Queenstown Street Art admired in stripes
wombalano: More Queenstown street art: Snakes and ladders. Even lamp poles get a coat of paint
wombalano: Queenstown Street art. I'm confused: like the door man
wombalano: Conglomerate boulder dumped near Queenstown Tasmania during the ice age by the Henty Glacier with the Henty Glacial Morain piled nearby
wombalano: Drymophila cyanocarpa, Turquoise Berry: growing amongst conglomerate boulders above Queenstown
wombalano: like old buildings?_ beat Zeehans Gaiety Theatre, not far from Queenstown, Tasmania
wombalano: then there is Zeehan's ancient Post Office, Tasmania
wombalano: Zeehans neat understated Catholic Church with bell tower, Tasmania
wombalano: and Zeehan's concrete House Church with huge wood pile around the back
wombalano: Modern Railway bridge crossing high over the top of Rosebery Falls
wombalano: How railway bridges were built in the late 1800s: entirely by manpower pulleys wires and levers. Photo from Queenstown Museum collection