wombalano: looking across the dry Lake Mungo with its bluebush to the Walls of China lunette on the horizon
wombalano: just scrub, but full of small and diverse tints of bluebush colours: in Lake Mungo red sand
wombalano: and a purple and emerald-green Bluebush with fluff and budding spikes
wombalano: Pale Poverty Bush (Sclerolaena divaricarta) behind a very woolly other chenopod
wombalano: Bluebush with new and faded red flowers/fruits
wombalano: Black Bluebush (Maireana pyramidata) covered in yellow fruits
wombalano: A creeper with tiny showy fruits climbing over a green saltbush: maybe another chenopod like an Atriplex
wombalano: Woolly-spined Burr (Sclerolaena lanicuspis). Pretty red-pink spines and white hairs. Chenopodiaceae
wombalano: amongst the Pearl or Hoary Bluebush (Maireana sedifolia) Chenopodiaceae
wombalano: a saltbush in the sand dunes with a mass of white hair protecting the plants and their flowers with their tiny red-orange parts
wombalano: tiny Wilga flowers being blown around
wombalano: bent Rosewood trees at Lake Mungo sharing with "pumpkins"
wombalano: flower on style of mistletoe, parasitic on Rosewood tree (Alectryon oleifolius) at Lake Mungo
wombalano: Location of the burial sites of Mungo man and where the ancient civilisation lived for about 30,000 years
wombalano: Eroded clay section on the Lake Mungo lunette
wombalano: GPS coordinates at Lake Mungo Visitors Centre according to my ancient Montana 650t
wombalano: T&G building clock tower & palm trees at sunset (6:07) in Mildura