wombalano: Darwin Plover: don't come any closer or I'll shout
wombalano: Darwin streetside plots: Spider lily (Hymenocallis)
wombalano: Leaving Port Darwin on Coral Expeditions 1 for the Kimberley coast: cooking with gas
wombalano: Coral Expeditions 1 Catamaran gentle wake across Joseph Bonaparte Gulf
wombalano: Coral Expeditions 1 on smooth seas after leaving Darwin Harbour
wombalano: Landing at Koolama Bay Oombulgurr AR on way to King George River
wombalano: Ipomoea pes-caprae (Convolvulaceae) Pink on sand
wombalano: Maybe male Beach spinifex Spinifex longifolius
wombalano: Coral lumps caught in mauve rocks at Tranquil Bay
wombalano: delicate bush vegetation on cliffs: Is it a Grevillea?
wombalano: Canavalia rosea (maritima) Coastal Canavalia Jack or French Bean. Pink and a touch of mauve
wombalano: Artistic honey-combing in sandstone Rock at Tranquil Bay
wombalano: Koolama Bay Cove: Kimberley cliffs and tumbled rocks
wombalano: rock garden
wombalano: crazy climbers above King George Falls give perspective
wombalano: We were checking out King George Falls from below in an inflatable boat: it was wet
wombalano: Approaching the Twin Falls on King George River: Kimberleys
wombalano: Stranded briefly at King George Falls
wombalano: massive (80-90m high) ancient cliffs framing the sides of the King George River: Kimberleys
wombalano: Cliffs collapsed and trees take over alongside King George River: Kimberleys
wombalano: Explorer deposits whole crowd on beach in Vansittart Bay before visit to Jar Island and Bradshaw paintings
wombalano: Strange flowers: what is it?
wombalano: Tephrosia rosea var clementii (Fabaceae): Flinders River Poison
wombalano: Tim explainer extraordinaire
wombalano: Mike explainer extraordinaire and listeners
wombalano: wildlife checking out artworks
wombalano: Bradshaw gallery on Jar Island
wombalano: Echidna maybe
wombalano: prolific pink flowers: are those blue flags above many flowers blue triggers or blue spiders or what? Is it a Stylidium trigger plant?
wombalano: what animal is this?