wombalano: not a skull at Gundabooka National Park
wombalano: Gundabooka Mountain (National Park) looking across to the Mulga-covered plains from Valley of Eagles
wombalano: Beefwood trees Grevillea striata at Redbank Homestead Gundabooka NP
wombalano: Happy Camper Gundabooka NP: red, blue and pink
wombalano: male and female ground parrots feeding between the lines Gundabooka NP
wombalano: Red Tailed Black Cockatoo watching over flock below
wombalano: Guessed fairymartin nests at Redbank Homestead Gundabooka NP on the Darling River
wombalano: Redbank Homestead sheep station Gundabooka NP
wombalano: River Darling alongside Redbank Homestead Gundabooka NP
wombalano: Goonabooka Aboriginal rock art gallery. the river bed and the path and steps up to the work
wombalano: Gundabooka Aboriginal rock art, three hand prints I can see give an idea of scale
wombalano: Gundabooka NP Aboriginal Yapa rock art, people emus, fish shapes
wombalano: dancing figures and an emu with feet like Kurrajong leaves
wombalano: Walking up a couple of levels to the Aboriginal Rock Art via a shallow gorge
wombalano: Can't miss this Desert Kurrajong tree in centre field, bright green against the grey Mulga wattles
wombalano: Desert Kurrajong, Brachychiton gregorii: bark ,rattle pods and leaves, not the Qld version. Boab relative
wombalano: a couple of leopardwood trees, Flindersia maculosa: trees with eczema
wombalano: leopardwood bark Flindersia maculosa (spotted) hard tomiss: 3D artwork
wombalano: Welcome to Gundabooka: pea flowers Swainsona microphylla (with small leaves)
wombalano: red often dominates at Goondabooka NP
wombalano: River Darling evening reflections North Bourke The blue-grey Brigalow (Acacia harpophylla) stands out
wombalano: North Bourke River Darling and road bridges
wombalano: Tangled Poverty Bush Sclerolaena intricata
wombalano: Gallweed Zygophyllum apiculatum in Brigalow
wombalano: Atriplex holocarpa Pop-saltbush entangled with red Tangled Poverty bush
wombalano: Budda or False Sandalwood: Eremophila mitchellii
wombalano: emu or dinosaur
wombalano: So that's where we are: number 1
wombalano: More furry unpleasant Chenopods: Sclerolaena bicornis Goathead burr each with two horns
wombalano: Culgoa NP weird woolly plant. Apple Bush: Pterocaulon sphacelatum