wombalano: Field wheat photosynthesis with Pouran: IARI Delhi 1970 Forefront science then
wombalano: Delhi 1970:Jane home from school at last
wombalano: East Patel Nagar pot shop New Delhi 1970
wombalano: Delhi 1970: bike transport
wombalano: peanut vendor outside our house Delhi 1970
wombalano: our pan mender (tinker) with his portable forge Delhi 1970
wombalano: our ironing man Delhi 1970
wombalano: local hardware shop and green parrots Delhi 1970
wombalano: local park kids Delhi 1970
wombalano: water pumping Delhi 1970
wombalano: I'm hiding over here Delhi 1970
wombalano: our-house-sweeper Delhi 1970
wombalano: our greengrocer Delhi 1970
wombalano: our local barber Delhi 1970
wombalano: bike-shop Delhi 1970
wombalano: our cobbler Delhi 1970
wombalano: sweepers & labourers settlement
wombalano: local elections polling booth Delhi 1970
wombalano: 6 seater taxi rank;-Norton, Lee-Enfield
wombalano: Refrigerated cold water booth Delhi 1970
wombalano: road gang Delhi 1970
wombalano: scary articulated buses Delhi 1970
wombalano: our dining room Delhi 1970
wombalano: behind Jami Masjid Delhi 1970
wombalano: Inside-the Bara-Gumbad Mosque-with-the-bats-Delhi-1970
wombalano: Old Fort Delhi 1970
wombalano: enjoying the shade Delhi in 1970 Akbar Bridge in Lodhi Gardens
wombalano: Lodhi Gardens Delhi in 1970, Bara Gumbad Masjid gateway (1494) with mosque on right
wombalano: Humayuns Tomb Delhi India 1975
wombalano: Mahabalipuram south India 1970: jane-in-the-cow-shed