upsidedown astronomer: Prominence on today's Sun
Sara Wager ( M101 The Pinwheel galaxy
CKemu: NGC6888 - The Crescent in Cygnus
upsidedown astronomer: Today's Ha Sun
upsidedown astronomer: Jupiter, Mars and Saturn
TheAstroShake: The Tent at the End of the Milky Way Bow
Davide Simonetti: Great Globular Cluster In Hercules
Davide Simonetti: Ring Nebula in Lyra
Ralph Smyth: Jupiter With Great Red Spot 16.04.16 @21.31UT
CKemu: Jupiter Timelapse April 19-20 21:20-02:20 BST
Ralph Smyth: Jupiter 20.04.16 @21.12BST
Sarah and Simon Fisher: Waxing Gibbous Moon
simdan42: Jupiter 3-23-2016 3D
twinklespinalot: Algol (b Per)
jaakko.asikainen: M31 Andromeda Galaxy
jaakko.asikainen: M33 Triangulum Galaxy
Shahrin Ahmad (ShahGazer): TSE2016 sequence
upsidedown astronomer: Today's Ha Sun
Shahrin Ahmad (ShahGazer): TSE2016 Prominence
Shahrin Ahmad (ShahGazer): TSE2016 wide-angle moments before 2nd contact
twinklespinalot: Do Not Disturb, Astronomer at Work “The Space Walk” 70 light hours closer to Orion