GAPHIKER: White Lake - A Three Sided View
K.mar.A: Una ideita azul
Paqui Izquierdo: Ardilla (toma I)
Jon Perry - Enlightenshade: _MG_7458R Catching Light, Enlightenshade, Jon Perry, 20-11-11
caminanteK: Puilaurens (Aude, Fr) - Château dit cathare
GAPHIKER: Reed in the Sunlight of a Fine Day (Explore)
Memo@: C a l m a
carlos pataca: the pleasure of seeing 6 / try black
Paqui Izquierdo: Fuegos artificiales
CecilieSonstebyPhotography: On the tip of the tongue
Miguel9120: Guardianes de la noche - Night watchers
GAPHIKER: White Lake Fence - Pixel Bender Extremist Edition
carlos pataca: from the postcards collection 10, or cartão postal de uma puta
GAPHIKER: Color Study 3 of 5
photosylvia / silabox: Chocolats ..à discrétion ...
vimajadahu: LA SOLEDAD DEL CISNE!!!
carlos pataca: esperando godot 10 or object of desire
carlos pataca: vanitas 3 or richter forgot to put the flower in the hair of his wife...
carlos pataca: de interiores minimos e outras odes museais, 18
Paqui Izquierdo: Mirándose al espejo
GAPHIKER: House of Cats - Shutter
GAPHIKER: The Warmth of My Fireplace - Color Study 4 of 5
GAPHIKER: Fireplace Water Kettle
decor8: Tine K Home Spring/Summer 2012