Kurt (OrionHerpAdventure.com): Pink Is In series 1/3: IMG_8385 copy
FISHNROBO: damselfly
Dalantech: Hanging On III
cwteoh1063: IMG_1701
Lord V: Jumping spider with fruit fly prey #2
zenman3: White Lined Humming Bird Moth Feeding on a dandelion.
zenman3: White Lined Sphinx Moth feeding on dandelion heads. "Explored"
zenman3: Singing Male Cardinal
Eddie The Bugman: ~Bourletiella hortensis And Parasitic Mite~
zenman3: Come and get me if you dare.
Lord V: Hoverfly sequence#4
Lord V: Dung fly - natural light #2
Lord V: Narcissus fly #4
Lord V: Red ants on a cornflower bud #2
**El-Len**: Nile Crocodiles
Lord V: Mason bee Osmia rufa #2
Lord V: Mason bee Osmia rufa #4
Cal Kerr: Macaque Portrait
Lord V: Tiny bee on daffodil trumpet- Andrena bicolour ?
NZ Exposed Photography by Chris Helliwell: Gum Emperor Caterpillars_007
Olivier M Roland: Take care, it can bite!
Olivier M Roland: Olivia la Marpissa
Duvali@-Lat@ (Serge Rolandez): La Magicienne Dentelée / Orthoptère Tettigoniide Saga Pedo
Ángel Febrero: 1º premio en el certamen fotografico "Como ves la ciencia?" 2011 - 1 st prize photographic "How do you see about science?" 2011