mycotrope: Plectania harnischii_0292
Roland Labbé: Panaeolus semiovatus - schéma microscopique
Cats 99: Guardian of the Deep
annkelliott: One of the joys of spring
Cats 99: Soaring
annkelliott: Amongst the mulch
annkelliott: Pretty little thing
mycotrope: Chrysomphalina aurantiaca_0371
Cats 99: Owl takes flight
Bear_b4u: IMG_5349
Bear_b4u: IMG_4975
annkelliott: Those piercing eyes - remind me of Licorice Allsorts candy : )
annkelliott: Time to preen
mycotrope: Hemipholiota populnea_4571
Cats 99: Me and my buddy Shadow