Erwin Vindl: enjoying an icecream before autumn is coming
fabriciodo2: Graphium agamemnon
fabriciodo2: Heraclides torquatus
fabriciodo2: Evenus regalis
fabriciodo2: Myscelia ethusa
fabriciodo2: Greta oto
fabriciodo2: Greta oto
fabriciodo2: Calycopis quintana
Erwin Vindl: audience
Erwin Vindl: selfie
Erwin Vindl: lunch time
Erwin Vindl: wait watchers
Erwin Vindl: there is light ... somewhere
Erwin Vindl: news in the pocket
Erwin Vindl: just for information
Erwin Vindl: I had to stay outside
Erwin Vindl: people
Erwin Vindl: shadow
RHMImages: DSCF2366.jpg
Sandro Tasso: PSAO7011
Nigel Hodson: Dipper