Leif42: Tell Jnr remix.
Leif42: Rachael's Snowman and the Snowboy
Leif42: Snow-child
Leif42: Walking Butt
Leif42: Frost split stone bollards
Leif42: Frost splitting 2
Leif42: Frost splitting 1
Leif42: Beeches, frosty field sans shadows
Leif42: Beeches, frosty field 2
Leif42: Leafy beech amongst bare ones, fosty field
Leif42: Undermined beech
Leif42: Fallen mistletoe tree
Leif42: Loveday trumpets darkly
Leif42: We are not very amused
Leif42: Pikmin-ninja-hammerhead-J 2
Leif42: Pikmin-ninja-hammerhead-J 1
Leif42: I want to suck your brain
Leif42: Miss Lucretia Mousebane
Leif42: Red Toadstools 1
Leif42: Apples 2
Leif42: Golden Valley sunrise from Rodborough Common -sky
Leif42: Moon, Morning Star 2
Leif42: Grapes in the greenhouse
Leif42: White Horse Hill
Leif42: Sunrise (and reflection) from Con's
Leif42: Leif's first triple gold
Leif42: Radical sunbeam at CMR's
Leif42: SG clay figures
Leif42: Our Stick House
Leif42: Big Wood bracket fungi