resilientbliss: so then, marnie decided to risk life and limb to capture the Castro theatre
resilientbliss: way to escape the heat
resilientbliss: wow. looks like i am not wearing a shirt.
resilientbliss: yes, i hear you neko.
resilientbliss: papa chris, ember and magnolia with parasol
resilientbliss: yay opus table!
resilientbliss: lookin' good!
resilientbliss: hello homemade breakfast!
resilientbliss: i don't know what is going on here, but i like it!
resilientbliss: self timey with finished product
resilientbliss: we made eggs benedict
resilientbliss: my not so pretty poached egg
resilientbliss: she wanted to go up and down the glass elevator
resilientbliss: spinning
resilientbliss: twirling dervishes
resilientbliss: self timey, ten shots
resilientbliss: complimentary colors
resilientbliss: she caught me after i caught her!
resilientbliss: my gypsy cohort
resilientbliss: ethereal
resilientbliss: adjusting lightmeter?
resilientbliss: goosebumps
resilientbliss: is it supposed to be a garage door or a curtain?
resilientbliss: breath-taking
resilientbliss: the light is incredible
resilientbliss: waiting for the plans to be formulated
resilientbliss: the ladies with their technology
resilientbliss: Juliana aka Drooliana
resilientbliss: i just had my six month shots