Interesting Grandad:
fruit from tall tree
Interesting Grandad:
Tenerife Red Admiral
Interesting Grandad:
Geranium Bronze (Tenerife)
Interesting Grandad:
Tenerife Monarch
Interesting Grandad:
Tenerife Monarch
Interesting Grandad:
Mount Teide (Tenerife)
Interesting Grandad:
Banded Garden Spider (Tenerife)
Interesting Grandad:
Banded Garden Spider
Interesting Grandad:
Fly with live young inside her
Interesting Grandad:
saw fly larvae
Interesting Grandad:
Interesting Grandad:
Common Blue
Interesting Grandad:
'Tiger butterfly'
Interesting Grandad:
Boa Constrictor
Interesting Grandad:
Pipe Fish
Interesting Grandad:
Common Wasp nest
Interesting Grandad:
Passion Flower
Interesting Grandad:
Time for Lunch!
Interesting Grandad:
Great Pied Hoverfly (Volucella pellucens)
Interesting Grandad:
Interesting Grandad:
Great Pied Hoverfly (Volucella pellucens)
Interesting Grandad:
Interesting Grandad:
Small bee in large Bindweed flower
Interesting Grandad:
Holly Blue butterfly
Interesting Grandad:
Real England in Summer
Interesting Grandad:
Brimstone Butterfly
Interesting Grandad:
Leaf Bug
Interesting Grandad:
Cinnabar Larvae
Interesting Grandad:
The Wasp Spider
Interesting Grandad:
a flesh fly ?