magictorch: House and varanda area
magictorch: Kitchen
magictorch: View from inside to out
magictorch: Lounge area
magictorch: Winter sun hits the kitchen
magictorch: Outside / Inside
magictorch: Winter sun on the decking area
magictorch: Treetop view into the jungle
magictorch: The hill on the horizon
magictorch: Camila. Hugging the pillar.
magictorch: Prepping the bonfire
magictorch: Lounge
magictorch: Christmas table on the varanda
magictorch: Friends
magictorch: Monkeys helping to process the cacao
magictorch: Monkey + banana
magictorch: Ginger flowers
magictorch: Ginger flowers
magictorch: Cuttings
magictorch: Monkeys on the firerock
magictorch: Early evening sun
magictorch: Front garden
magictorch: Sun in the icosahedron
magictorch: Mist after a rainstorm
magictorch: Kitchen sink
magictorch: First batch of cacao
magictorch: Our first little Jararáca - rest in peace
magictorch: Centrepiece - icosahedron
magictorch: Sun through the bonfire smoke
magictorch: Crazy insect