Rachaly: Iris Delavayi
Rachaly: House Finch
papaalfredo: Sunset at Aasee Muenster
papaalfredo: Free fall. Muenster, Germany.
papaalfredo: The fury of darkness
papaalfredo: Pandemonium on the other side of hell
papaalfredo: Wild river hen
gabi.nell: Wenn die Hexen Kaffee kochen.
sileneandrade10: Canário-do-mato - Flavescent Warbler
Linda in Fortuna: High Contrast Iris
steve.ray50: _J5A5870 Golden plover
Carla@: Galbuli di Cipresso comune/Cipresso mediterraneo (Cupressus sempervirens)
Farang foto: An Aciagrion Paludense damselfly
Farang foto: Web builder
al-ien: the overlook...
s0340248: DSC44987 Frühjahr Wolken 2023
hippobosca: Paraspiculatus orocana
patricia.hoedts: Gavina riallera - Gaviota reidora - Black-headed gull - Mouette rieuse - Chroicocephalus ridibundus
bobchappell55: DSCF1902c Turnstone, Titchwell Beach, August 2024
Richard Collier - Wildlife and Travel Photography: Pintail - Anas acuta 291224 (6) F
mlbeirnaert: My reward / Ma recompense
scubahenlik: Bombus sp.
scubahenlik: Aphantopus hyperantus
bobmullen777: Wild Pony 12-22-2024
Many thanks for all your likes and comments. Great: You can run, but, you can't hide.
Marcelo Muñoz R.: Piquero, Quirilluca. Ene25
Joan's Pics 2012: Frosty Webcap Cortinarious hemitrichus