jaytee27: Pied Kingfisher (m) - Ceryle rudis
jaytee27: Green Vervet monkey -Chlorocebus sabaeus
jaytee27: Reed / Long Tailed Cormorant - Microcarbo africanus
jaytee27: Blue-breasted Kingfisher - Halcyon malimbica
jaytee27: Common bulbul - Pycnonotus barbatus
jaytee27: Broad-billed Roller - Eurystomus glaucurus
jaytee27: Abyssinian roller - Coracias abyssinicus
jaytee27: " I can see you......."
jaytee27: Pied Kingfisher (m) - Ceryle rudis
jaytee27: Can you see what i see..........
jaytee27: Vervet monkey - Chlorocebus pygerythrus
jaytee27: Squacco Heron - Ardeola ralloides
jaytee27: Red-billed Hornbill - Tockus erythrorhynchus
jaytee27: Bearded Barbet - Lybius dubius
jaytee27: Western Red Colobus, also known as Bay Colobus - Procolobus badius
jaytee27: Laughing Dove - Spilopelia senegalensis
jaytee27: Common Bulbul - Pycnonotus barbatus
jaytee27: Hooded Vulture - Necrosyrtes monachus
jaytee27: Pied Crow - Corvus albus
jaytee27: Pied Kingfisher (m) - Ceryle rudis
jaytee27: Brown-headed Cowbird (j) - Molothrus ater (To be confirmed)
jaytee27: Green Vervet monkey - Chlorocebus sabaeus
jaytee27: Western Red Colobus, also known as Bay Colobus - Procolobus badius
jaytee27: Red-billed Hornbill - Tockus erythrorhynchus
jaytee27: Grey Heron - Ardea cinerea
jaytee27: Umm......why am i the odd one out ???..............
jaytee27: Red-billed Hornbill - Tockus erythrorhynchus
jaytee27: Broad-billed Roller - Eurystomus glaucurus
jaytee27: Reed / Long Tailed Cormorant - Microcarbo africanus
jaytee27: Vinaceous Dove - Streptopelia vinacea