jaytee27: Black Dwarf Hornbill - Tockus hartlaubi.
jaytee27: Young Green Monkey - Chlorocebus sabaeus
jaytee27: Hoverfly - Asarkina africana species
jaytee27: Common Forest Sylph Skipper - Ceratrichia phocion
jaytee27: Desjardin's Grass Yellow - Eurema desjardinsii regularis
jaytee27: Tit-hylia - Pholidornis rushiae
jaytee27: Gambia Nymph(male) - Euriphene gambiae
jaytee27: Orange Weaver (Ploceus aurantius)
jaytee27: Blue Diadem - Hypolimnas salmacis
jaytee27: Dusky Danaid Butterfly, also called the Black Friar and the Scarce Monk Butterfly - Amouris hecate
jaytee27: Forest walk on our first full day in Ghana. A birding holiday, but for those who follow me butterflies and other insects were also of interest.
jaytee27: Pygmy Sunbird (M and F) - Hedydipna platura. (eating ants)
jaytee27: Widespread Forester - Euphaedra medonr
jaytee27: White-necked Rockfowl - Picathartes gymnocephalus
jaytee27: Black Dwarf Hornbill - Horizocerus hartlaubi
jaytee27: Lebona Fairy Hairstreak - Hypolycaena lebona
jaytee27: Red-throated Bee-eater (Merops bulocki)
jaytee27: Pearl-spotted Owlet- Glaucidium perlatum
jaytee27: Common Dotted Border - Mylothris rhodope
jaytee27: Woodland Skimmer - Orthetrum monardi
jaytee27: Cattle Egret - Bubulcus ibis
jaytee27: Mating Net-winged Beetle (Lycidae)
jaytee27: Orange Weaver - Ploceus aurantius
jaytee27: Orb Spider - Argiope flavipalpis.
jaytee27: Egyptian Plover - Pluvianus aegyptius. (Too far away to get a sharper image, but one of the highlights of the holiday.)
jaytee27: African Giant Mantis - Sphodromantis viridis
jaytee27: Soldier Commodore - Junonia terea
jaytee27: African Wood Owl - Strix woodfordii
jaytee27: Gambian Epauletted fruit bats - Epomophorus gambianus
jaytee27: Blue-throated Roller (Eurystomus gularis). . Record shot, only spotted twice during our 16 days in Ghana.