jaytee27: Marmalade Hoverfly - Episyrphus balteatus
jaytee27: Hoverfly- Eupeodes Luniger
jaytee27: Hoverfly - Didea fasciata
jaytee27: Hoverfly - Myathropa florea. The only one (i believe) that has yellow stripes across its thorax
jaytee27: Hoverfly - Volucella inanis, tongue cleaning
jaytee27: Hoverfly - Volucella inanis
jaytee27: Hoverfly - Rhingia campestris
jaytee27: Hoverfly - Volucella pellucens
jaytee27: Hoverfly - Helophilus pendulus
jaytee27: Hoverfly -Volucella zonaria
jaytee27: Long Hoverfly
jaytee27: Marmalade Hoverfly
jaytee27: Hoverfly - Xylota Segnis
jaytee27: Hoverfly - Melanostoma scalare
jaytee27: Hover Fly - Eristaus Pertinax
jaytee27: Bee Fly - Lomatia lateralis ??
jaytee27: Hoverfly
jaytee27: Hoverfly. Eristalis pertinax
jaytee27: Hoverfly - Sphaerophoria sp. (f)
jaytee27: HoverFly - Volucella inflata
jaytee27: Hoverfly - Volucella bombylans
jaytee27: Chequered Hoverfly - Melanostoma scalare
jaytee27: Hoverfly - Helophilus pendulus
jaytee27: A bee-mimic hoverfly (Eristalis pertinax)
jaytee27: Hoverfly - Volucella inflata
jaytee27: Hoverfly - Episyrpus balteatus