jaytee27: Agriphila selasella (Pale-streak Grass-veneer)
jaytee27: Tachinid Fly - Tachina fera
jaytee27: Small Copper - Lycaena phlaeas
jaytee27: Southern Migrant Hawker or Blue-eyed Hawker
jaytee27: Southern Migrant Hawker (m) or Blue-eyed Hawker
jaytee27: Giant ichneumon (also known as the Sabre wasp)
jaytee27: Hornet - Vespa crabro
jaytee27: Southern Migrant Hawker (m) or Blue-eyed Hawker..... This rare migrant appears to be becoming more frequent in the UK. After a single confirmed record during the twentieth century, and more observed from 2006.
jaytee27: Ruddy Darter (m) - Sympetrum sanguineum
jaytee27: Ruddy Darter - Sympetrum sanguineum
jaytee27: Golden Haired Robber Fly - Choerades marginata
jaytee27: Hornet - Vespa crabro
jaytee27: Hornet - Vespa crabro
jaytee27: Willow Emerald Damselfly (M) - Lestes viridis
jaytee27: Common Blue (m) - Polyommatus icarus
jaytee27: Small Copper - Lycaena phlaeas
jaytee27: Emerald Damselfly - Lestes sponsa
jaytee27: Giant ichneumon - Rhyssa persuasoria (also known as the Sabre wasp)
jaytee27: Ruddy Darter (f) - Sympetrum sanguineum
jaytee27: Ray Spiders egg sac, 1.5 mm dia, hanging on a thread from underside of Sycamore leaves.
jaytee27: Azure Damselfly - Coenagrion puella
jaytee27: Birch Sawfly - Cimbex femoratus (Yellow Form)
jaytee27: Brown Hawker (f) - Aeshna grandis
jaytee27: Large White - Pieris brassicae
jaytee27: Snipe Fly - Chrysopilus cristatus
jaytee27: Peacock - Aglais io
jaytee27: Butterfly gathering
jaytee27: Silver washed Fritillary - Argynnis paphia
jaytee27: Willow Emerald Damselfly (F) - Lestes viridis
jaytee27: Peacock - Aglais io