Basham Descendant: St Onuphrius
Basham Descendant: Ludwig Sigismund Ruhl (1794–1887), Arthur Schopenhauer
Basham Descendant: Benczúr Gyula (1844–1920), Narcissus, 1881
Basham Descendant: Skull Study, Dutch Anatomy Text, 1690
Basham Descendant: Donald E. Davis (b 1952), Space Colony located out at the L5 Lagrangian point where stable locations are easily maintained.
Basham Descendant: Sir John Everett Millais (1829-1896), Portrait of Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Basham Descendant: Plant Greenhouses and Gardens of Europe, Peony
Basham Descendant: Wilhelm von Plueschow (1852-1930), Nudo maschile con papiri [Male nude with papyrus], Roma, ca. 1900
Basham Descendant: Taj Mahal, photograph March 7, 1924
Basham Descendant: J. Bannon, Brother 02
Basham Descendant: Odilon Redon (1840–1916), The Golden Cell, 1892
Basham Descendant: Oluf Olufsen Bagge (1780-1836), Yggdrasil, Prose Edda, 1847
Basham Descendant: William Woodward, Biloxi, MS Beach lighthouse
Basham Descendant: Marcus Andello, The Holy Trinity, 1542
Basham Descendant: The God of Thunder, selected from the frescos in Yongle Temple, Shaanxi Province, China
Basham Descendant: Sultan Mehmed IV of the Ottoman Empire
Basham Descendant: Michelangelo, Charon, a detail from The Last Judgment
Basham Descendant: Alfred Sisley, Small Meadows in Spring, c. 1881
Basham Descendant: Sinhalese man in Mumbai, India, 1897
Basham Descendant: Han van Meegeren (1889-1947), The fawn (Hertje); belonged to Princess Juliana of the Netherlands, 1921
Basham Descendant: Philip Henry Savage, 1868-1899, American poet
Basham Descendant: Nikola Tesla (1856–1943), a physicist, electrical engineer, and inventor
Basham Descendant: Peter V of Portugal
Basham Descendant: Nicolai Fechin
Basham Descendant: Marie Louise of Orleans, later queen of Spain
Basham Descendant: Hildegardis-Codex, The universe de Eibingen (at Rüdesheim)
Basham Descendant: Józef Mehoffer, Autoportret, 1897
Basham Descendant: Reginald Easton, miniature portrait of Mary Shelley
Basham Descendant: Paolo Uccello, St Marks Basilica, Venice, Floor mosaic
Basham Descendant: Ivan Kramskoi (1837–1887), Alexander Litovchenko (1835-1890), 1878