idahosummits: Celebratory beers in Lake City
idahosummits: Small pond near the base of Wildhorse Peak
idahosummits: Descending through wild flowers
idahosummits: Descending Wildhorse Peak
idahosummits: The summit of Wildhorse Peak
idahosummits: Looking northeast from Wildhorse Peak
idahosummits: Descending Wildhorse Peak
idahosummits: Final 100 feet on Wildhorse Peak
idahosummits: Cool rock formations on the ridge to Wildhorse Peak
idahosummits: Resting on the slopes of Wildhorse Peak
idahosummits: Intimidating view of the remaining route (it stays class 2)
idahosummits: Wildhorse Peak
idahosummits: Falls on the drive to Engineer Pass
idahosummits: Route Correction
idahosummits: First Columbine of the season!
idahosummits: Trout Lake and Vermillion Peak
idahosummits: Summit register on Peak 11265.
idahosummits: Wildflowers in a marsh we hiked past.
idahosummits: Wildflowers in a marsh we hiked past.
idahosummits: Little tarn below the steep section of the hike.
idahosummits: Look towards the Vermillion Peaks.
idahosummits: Relaxing on the summit.
idahosummits: The final ridge to the summit.
idahosummits: View from just below the summit. Wilson Meadows below and Lizard Head Peak above.
idahosummits: San Benardo Mountain selfie.
idahosummits: Our descent route off Peak 13094
idahosummits: Descending off Peak 13094
idahosummits: Southwest slopes of Dolly Varden Mountain
idahosummits: Taking a quick break around 12,000 feet on Dolly Varden Mountain
idahosummits: Looking east from Peak 13094