P F McFarland: 6) Beauty shot
Ricky Delli Paoli: Salmon River Star trails
nefotografas: Polaroid Spectra with new skin
canon7dude: Koni Omega Press Rapid 200
velalabs: Apple sauce
Phil Durkin DPAGB BPE4: Paint Despertion
andy-thorpe: Smashing time for a beer
NQDavies Photography: Underwater Paint
FadeToBlackLP: Sideways 21/365
HolleyandChris: Holley
joegmm: In the spotlight/ Film Photography Walking Workshop, Findlay, Ohio April 2014
gorkola: Ferrania Condor I
Vinci84: The spirit of sunday
Leslie Lazenby: Camera RollerTest
McFarlaneImaging: 13-04-13-FPPWWorkshop030
inetjoker: Federal Government
Michael Raso - Film Photography Podcast: Box of Awesome Kodak BW 400cn
jbenning: The Journey for Truth and Knowledge
Leslie Lazenby: Honoring 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg
Leslie Lazenby: House on the Hill
jbenning: A Whisper in the Night
Brock5604: Extra-Terrestrial Yard Decor
Leslie Lazenby: Closed for the Season - Hey Wait a Minute
Leslie Lazenby: Fury III