CaabParis: Instruction #40 « It might all come together for a moment and then just as quickly it is gone." - Narelle Autio
CaabParis: "Don't ask. Shoot fast." - Gus Powell
CaabParis: Friendly Boys - Gay Pride 2011
CaabParis: Instruction #38
CaabParis: Street portrait
CaabParis: "Surrealism Now!" - Gary Alexander
CaabParis: "The distance between yourself and others should not be greater than your arm's length." - Christophe Agou
CaabParis: Pursuit of the Sea
CaabParis: Instruction #35
CaabParis: Spring Night
CaabParis: "Get stuck in the thick of it" Otto Snock
CaabParis: 'Unless the supernatural comes and plays a part and reveals itself, the picture is only as good and nice as information can be" Raghu Rai
CaabParis: 'Follow lines of movement for a graphic journey'
CaabParis: Parisian
CaabParis: "Look for clashing colours - the more lurid the better"
CaabParis: Encounter
CaabParis: Paris, A rainy day
CaabParis: Remember Robert Capa's words : "If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough"
CaabParis: A man and his dog
CaabParis: Instruction 29
CaabParis: In the air
CaabParis: Parisian Elegance
CaabParis: Reflection of light on the cobblestones - Paris