Typ250: wife
Okera: Shibuya Moyai stone statue
Javier Enjuto García: Hasta aquí
⑨miya: 西方寺階段
Hestefotograf.com: The Protectors
Okera: famous pictures
Okera: cluster amaryllis
Okera: cluster amaryllis
Hall ['hal]: Ezo Chipmunk
Hall ['hal]: Unidon (Sea Urchin Bowl)
Hall ['hal]: [Aug.2017]Lake Saroma, Hokkaido
U.S. Pacific Fleet: 170511-N-PD309-111
snopan_: after the rain (contd.
koen_jacobs: Grand Place
Shinichi Yoshimoto: DSCF0203.jpg
Shinichi Yoshimoto: NIKKOR-Q Auto 135mm F3.5
Hall ['hal]: Shimazushi (Hachijojima Island Style Sushi)
futao.twintail: CF002439
Hall ['hal]: Aso Shrine, 2005
Okera: red flowers
Okera: plum blossom
snopan_: cosmos -16-
Shinichi Yoshimoto: L1000845.jpg
Okera: Crazy night
Toshiuki: 富士山
Hall ['hal]: Anrakuji Temple, Nagano
Hall ['hal]: Szent István Bazilika, Budapest
Hall ['hal]: Széchenyi Lánchíd, Budapest