grashie68: random stack one no calibst1
grashie68: wtfdssst 1
grashie68: Horsehead b33
grashie68: B33 +M42
grashie68: fornax glx calib 1 copy
grashie68: 1232 copy
grashie68: 1231
grashie68: Christmas tree/ cone nebulas
grashie68: NGC 1808 with the QHY 8 copy
grashie68: NGC 1808 region showing central galaxy (s)
grashie68: Wide field of Horsehead region, flame nebula Alnitak and Alnilam
grashie68: rosette 60cdps
grashie68: m42dec60c
grashie68: ngc253dss1
grashie68: Beyond the Thunderdome is.....well, errr, a smaller purple one
grashie68: B33Nov2012
grashie68: Rosette Nebula
grashie68: IMG_0644
grashie68: P1080027
grashie68: Pod at night
grashie68: Pod + Tak
grashie68: Daughter loves pod!
grashie68: Daughter so loves pod
grashie68: Pod pieces
grashie68: Podding Jigsaw
grashie68: 47 Tucanae globular cluster
grashie68: NGC 6744
grashie68: The Helix Nebula
grashie68: NGC 6744