ericmiles47: Leeds in the 1970s - Playtime/5 [ - ? ]
ericmiles47: Leeds in the 1970s - Urban River Bank
ericmiles47: Leeds in the 1970s - Cardigan Road
Alvin Dotwad: 31 LUA 142F
roll the dice: Brewer Street`1973-2024
ManxPhil: 1950s
Alvin Dotwad: IMG00017
Alvin Dotwad: IMG00020
Alvin Dotwad: 348 HUM348D
Alvin Dotwad: 265356864_10159512537469909_6663960379628607828_n
Alvin Dotwad: 942 942 CUG
Alvin Dotwad: LEEDS 275
Alvin Dotwad: 333 CUB 333C
Alvin Dotwad: 573 573 CNW
leyland43: PJX43
drapesy1: The Skulls
Dorsetyetti: Samuel Ledgard (Armley) NXP 764
Alvin Dotwad: QUEENS HALL2
WendyHarris1955: Fish'n'chip shop price list, 1966
David Jealous Photos: Peak at Ardsley Neg 88.jpg
Psychoceramicus: 1970s Leeds
biroguyleeds: The final Image 21:22.
ManxPhil: Hunslet Engine Co. c1994
whatdoesthisbuttondo: A bridge too far
chucklebuster: A667 XDA: Black Prince, Morley
Frederick McLean: Leeds tram No. 14 @ Lower Wortley
Alvin Dotwad: 206565980_333259571753680_1208355634632695697_n