hankypanky7: Dutch 700/3A, version 2, 1958, with the building suggestion from the lid.
Riley_Stearns: Mary at home
The Rambling Urchin: Try again…
The Rambling Urchin: Litho printing on an Adana !
The Rambling Urchin: Booksellers and bookbinders labels
pilllpat (agence eureka): lettresblackieson p16
pilllpat (agence eureka): sciptlettering p13
pilllpat (agence eureka): lalettre p40
Nathan Godding: Manicules
Lunada Bay Letterpress: Index cuts from the 1912 ATF catalog
Bijzondere Collecties UvA: Jahoda & Siegel c. 1929, Futura
pilllpat (agence eureka): album n2 peintre lettres 2
Golden West Sign Arts: hand lettered casual alphabet
Depression Press: Eagle Type 3
Depression Press: Eagle Type 7
Depression Press: Corporate Leadership
Nick Sherman: ⚜ New Orleans Tradition
pilllpat (agence eureka): dessin ornement 1
pietschreuders: Chicago Sun-Times font
pilllpat (agence eureka): peintrelettre 1
onpaperwings: 00front1
Sign Painter Movie: Ira Coyne's shop
pietschreuders: Printer's Fists (2)
pjchmiel: Patchwork of Letters and Masonry