jlg_of_vacav: lelo&and her mouse 021
jlg_of_vacav: lelo&and her mouse 010
jlg_of_vacav: lelo&and her mouse 020
jlg_of_vacav: bucks on a hu 176
jlg_of_vacav: bucks on a hu 192
jlg_of_vacav: 7-14-08 heard of big bucks 030
jlg_of_vacav: 7-14-08 heard of big bucks 031
jlg_of_vacav: 7-14-08 heard of big bucks 024
jlg_of_vacav: 7-14-08 heard of big bucks 005
jlg_of_vacav: sand hill ranch 3-15-08 426
jlg_of_vacav: sand hill ranch 3-15-08 403
jlg_of_vacav: arguyle park-2 120
jlg_of_vacav: arguyle park-2 119
jlg_of_vacav: arguyle park-2 097
jlg_of_vacav: arguyle park-2 033
jlg_of_vacav: tinas &shelby horse 139
jlg_of_vacav: the start of time lap
jlg_of_vacav: slow time lap
jlg_of_vacav: slow time lap
jlg_of_vacav: 2=1=08the ranch pond 009
jlg_of_vacav: 2=1=08the ranch pond 007
jlg_of_vacav: 2=1=08the ranch pond 002
jlg_of_vacav: 2=1=08the ranch pond 004
jlg_of_vacav: 2=1=08the ranch pond 003
jlg_of_vacav: 2=1=08the ranch pond 002
jlg_of_vacav: 2=1=08the ranch pond 001
jlg_of_vacav: derby-2-3-08 sun-rise 150
jlg_of_vacav: derby-2-3-08 sun-rise 035
jlg_of_vacav: derby-2-3-08 sun-rise 032
jlg_of_vacav: fishing-cuz-1-19-08 219